FileZilla 客户端是一个快速可靠的、跨平台的FTP,FTPS和SFTP客户端。具有图形用户界面(GUI)和很多有用的特性。
FileZilla Client 3.55.1 (2021-08-09)
– Fixed a crash if a tree view items are deleted at the same time as something is being dragged over the tree view
– Updated to libfilezilla 0.31.1 to fix an issue with SIGPIPE on *nix
FileZilla Client 3.25.1 (2017-03-20)
– Bugfixes and minor changes:
– OS X: Fixed a crash if connecting to old servers not supporting UTF-8
– Fixed timeout detection
FileZilla Server (2017-02-08)
– Bugfixes and minor changes:
– Signed binaries, no functional changes over 0.60.0
FileZilla Client 3.55.1:Windows 7/8/10
FileZilla Client 3.25.1:Windows XP/Vista*
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